We welcome all volunteers.
People who join the project for a short period of time (minimum stay of 2 weeks, according to agreement and for specific activities) in order to help the development of the project, providing an altruistic service.
Daily service of 5h for 5 days a week.
will dispose of
3 full vegetarian meals a day including water, fruits and nuts.
They will occupy a space in the dormitory, tent (summer) or a separate room (depending on availability).
From connection to basic electricity
Wifi connection free of charge at set times.
Free entrance to all cultural events organised by the association (yoga classes, retreats, workshops, etc…).
Contact us if you are interested in volunteering
Occupations sought:
- People interested in bio-construction
- Bio-construction specialist
- Carpenter
- Bricklayer
- Architect
- People interested in permaculture
- Permaculture specialist
- Vegetarian/Vegan cuisine
- Assistants willing to learn and practise as needed at any given time