Dharmahari fet


We welcome all volunteers.

People who join the project for a short period of time (minimum stay of 2 weeks, according to agreement and for specific activities) in order to help the development of the project, providing an altruistic service.

Daily service of 5h for 5 days a week.

will dispose of

  • 3 full vegetarian meals a day including water, fruits and nuts.

  • They will occupy a space in the dormitory, tent (summer) or a separate room (depending on availability).

  • From connection to basic electricity

  • Wifi connection free of charge at set times.

  • Free entrance to all cultural events organised by the association (yoga classes, retreats, workshops, etc…).

Contact us if you are interested in volunteering

Occupations sought:

  • People interested in bio-construction
  • Bio-construction specialist
  • Carpenter
  • Bricklayer
  • Architect
  • People interested in permaculture
  • Permaculture specialist
  • Vegetarian/Vegan cuisine
  • Assistants willing to learn and practise as needed at any given time