Dharmahari fet


We have several options available

People willing to participate actively in the development of the project.

Enabling their own space to live and develop their potential within the framework of the association (e.g. head of the bio-construction department, head of the sanctuary, animal farm, craftsman, therapist, yoga instructor or other discipline, horticultural production, etc.).

will dispose of

  • 3 full vegetarian meals a day including water, fruits and nuts.
  • Of all the facilities of the association.
  • Participating in all cultural, yogic and other events organised by the association free of charge.

Contact us for conditions

People interested in living in the private area

who want to restore or build a house

will dispose of

  • They will have at their disposal some facilities according to agreement and management

Contact us for conditions

People involved in the project

Like-minded people who want to actively engage in the development of the recovery project without building a house. (Long-term volunteers)

Altruistic service 5 h/5 days a week

will dispose of

  • Of all facilities according to agreement and management.

  • Participating in all cultural, yogic and other events organised by the association free of charge.

  • 3 full vegetarian meals a day including water, fruits and nuts.

  • A space in the dormitory, a tent (summer) or a separate room (depending on availability).

  • From connection to basic electricity

  • Free Wifi connection at set times.

  • Free entrance to all cultural events organised by the association (yoga classes, retreats, workshops, etc…).

Contact us for conditions


People interested in living with us without providing an altruistic service, through a donation.

Participate in duties of common interest on an ad hoc basis (cooking, cleaning, others…).

will dispose of

  • They will be able to use the facilities and have the right to participate in the cultural manifestations and events organised.

Contact us for conditions