The team

Nikita Atmananda
Born in Russia, raised in Luxembourg and reborn in India where I studied (cert. in yoga, human consciousness and alternative therapies) at a university (DSVV) in 2015. I practice YOGA and alternative therapies since then and with my current teacher Mahayogi Gokulacandra since 2018.
Life has brought me through a variety of experiences (European cuisine, macrobiotic, vegetarian, organic building, and more).
In India I understand that my occupation has to help others as well, therefore
since 2021 I manage the DharmaHari Fet project.

Carmen Caballero
I was always attracted to yoga both physically and spiritually, but never found the time in my busy life and an absorbing job.
With the pandemic I had the possibility at home to read books and practice. When we were finally able to leave our homes, I met Nikita, a yoga teacher and his great project of the yoga association DharmaHariFet, with whom I learned that yoga is much more, where you can go deep inside yourself and I had the possibility to help in his Fet project. And since then, here we are, a project that already belongs to all of us.
- Chiromassage therapist
- Reflexology
- Psychosomatic massage
- Reiki
- Permaculture

In late summer 2022, my path led me to Fet a Nikita Atmananda das. The universe hears our call when we have a clear vision :)) or in Nikita’s words “Krishna has guided you here”. I consciously left my old life behind, gave up my well-paid job, dissolved my flat and sold or gave away many things that no longer seemed useful to me. It was clear to me that my life needed to move out of the comfort zone and towards a minimalist life, with less consumption and more focus on health, yoga, permaculture and a life in connection with nature. From my point of view, I can only bring about the necessary change in our world by starting with myself. After my PDC course in La Garrotxa, some friends directed me to this magical place and I felt at home from the first moment.